
Posts Tagged ‘Earth’

Today is one of Maxim Hygiene‘s very favorite: EARTH DAY!! We celebrated by volunteering at Earth Day NYC’s Times Square event!! More here. But for now, a little bit about WHY WE LOVE EARTH DAY!

What better way to celebrate the beauty that is Earth.  The grass! The trees! The ocean! The birds! The urban landscape! Parks!  Lakes! Ponds!  What a world we live in!  So, let’s get down and dirty and clean up the planet we know and love.

Make the grass greener and the ocean bluer.  Pick up some rubbish and toss it in the bin.  Eat organic.  Buy organic.  Know where the products you purchase come from.  At Maxim Hygiene, we recognize the importance of products that are more sustainable and environmentally friendly.  Think green. Be green.

You have the power to change the world.  It starts with one strong woman.  On Earth Day, the Maxim Hygiene team supports you and all your efforts to make it a cleaner and prettier planet.

It’s Earth Day!  I’m going to go outside and give Mother Nature a hand.  So should you!

If you missed any of our Earth Day posts, you can find them, and more earth centered posts here.


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APRIL 22, 2011

Are you getting excited for Earth Day? We are too! Therefore, we’ve rounded up some information about this wonderful day and how to celebrate it.

One person can change the world. You wouldn’t realize it, but the first Earth Day started because of one person in April of 1970.  Before that, factories could spew toxins into the air or nearby streams, and it was perfectly legal.  Ridiculous.  In the spring of 1970, Senator Gaylord Nelson created the first annual Earth Day in an attempt to make sure that there would be a day to celebrate the Earth and that it would become part of the American agenda.  In December of 1970, Richard Nixon with the backing of Congress created the Environmental Protection Agency to make a legal standard for a cleaner and safer environment.  Now, companies are regulated as to their waste management, and our future’s looking brighter than ever.

On March 21st1971, Earth Day went global.  The United Nations Secretary General U Thant spoke at a Peace Bell Ceremony to make sure Earth Day was recognized all over the planet.  Now, people celebrate Earth Day all over the world in really unique and creative ways.

In 1992, the United Nations held its first Earth Summit in Rio De Janeirowhere issues such as climate change and the rapid loss of endangered species were discussed.  Kenyan environmentalists created National Tree Planting Day on April 21st so citizens would plant trees in the endangered Karura forest.  I would love to be inKenya to help out.  Wouldn’t you?   InAustralia, they celebrate Earth Day with a parade and even have a day where nobody drives.  Car-lessSydney became a place for all Australians to celebrate Earth Day through music, theater, and educational exhibits.

In America, there are many individual ways to celebrate Earth Day.  You can plant trees, make it your mission to recycle, clean up your parks and streets, wear green to raise awareness for Earth Day, ride your bike to school or work, or teach others about the benefits of being green.

You can even captain an Earth Day party or fair for you and your friends to get more people on board S.S. Sustainable.

Are you New York based like us? There are events all throughout New York that are entirely for Earth Day.  For a schedule of events, visit http://www.earthdayny.org/.  More events in NY will be discussed in a future post.

There isn’t just one way to celebrate Earth Day.  It can range from purchasing one of Maxim Hygiene’s amazing organic and natural feminine hygiene products to planting a vegetable garden with a whole bunch of your friends.  The Maxim Hygiene Team will be volunteering at Earth Day NY’s Times Square event — we can’t wait to tell you all about it! However you decide to celebrate Earth Day, make sure you have FUN and that you keep it green.  Remember, you can change the world because one empowered woman can make a huge difference.

As part of our Countdown to Earth Day, we will be posting daily articles focused on the environment and our lovely planet! Check in everyday for more Earth Day fun and remember to mark your calendar for April 22nd!

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Envirosax Candy Reusable Shopping Bag, image courtesy of ECOcentric

The Maxim Hygiene team not only promotes environmentally friendly organic and natural cotton feminine hygiene products, but we also promote the use of green items across the board.  One of the easiest ways you can save the world one bit at a time is to use reusable bags when you go shopping.  Instead of running through tons plastic bags to carry your goodies home, keep it green and go with the eco-friendly alternative.

Where I like to go for my eco-friendly bags is the website, www.Ecocentricbags.com.  It’s a company based in Calgary, Canada established in 2010 by a husband and wife team.  Their mission is similar to ours here at Maxim, to make a product that is sustainable and environmentally friendly. And we always love other companies started by families!  They have super unique bags that cover anything you might be looking for.  They have sustainable grocery bags, designer handbags, backpacks, and more.  It’s a great site.  Check it out for a stylish and eco-friendly bag, and be sure to read to the end of this article for a coupon code to shop ECOcentric Bags!!

According to some statistics, “A plastic shopping bag can take anywhere from 15 to 1000 years to decompose…” and they are compiling on the shores of our beaches or ensnaring our fish and birds.  As an NY based company, we know shopping in New York can be crazy, but think about what you can do for the Earth by making the switch.  “In NYC, one less grocery bag per person would reduce waste by 5 million pounds and save $250,000 in disposal costs.”

According to reuseit.com, 500 billion to 1 trillion plastic bags are used every year worldwide.  That’s a statistic that surely needs to change.

The Wall Street Journal says that, no matter what reusable bags are made of, if used throughout a lifetime, they are better for the environment than plastic bags.  The only trouble is remembering to bring it to the store. I keep one in the office just in case.

Also, make sure you wash your reusable bag regularly, as they can breed bacteria or E. Coli. Think about it.  If you carry raw meat or something else that might spill into the bag, make sure to clean it up.  This will avoid contaminating other foods that you pick up later.

So, go green and use reusable bags, but be safe about it.  It’s little modifications like this that can help save the landfills from unnecessary plastic.  Get yourself a bag so you can shop ‘til you drop…the sustainable way.

I hope this inspired you to invest in a reusable bag! The folks at ECOcentric Bags generously offered a coupon to our Green Feminine Hygiene Queens!! Be sure to visit ECOcentric for a 10% discount by entering the following code at checkout: MAXIMHY10

As part of our Countdown to Earth Day, we will be posting daily articles focused on the environment and our lovely planet! Check in everyday for more Earth Day fun and remember to mark your calendar for April 22nd!

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Maxim Hygiene Green Queen here, with some helpful hints as to how you can make your morning just a bit greener!  Not only will these tips make you a more sustainable person, but they will also save you some money, too!  So, here goes.

  1. Right out of bed, after yawning, instead of turning on all the lights, OPEN THE CURTAINS!  Let in some natural light.  Enjoy the beauty of nature, and save on your electricity bill.
  2. Now it’s time for your morning shower.  As much as you may love long showers, try to keep it short. Or, at the very least, just turn off the water when you lather, shave your legs, etc. Even just shortening your daily shower by three minutes will save, on average, 105 gallons per week!  That’s about 420 gallons per month!.
  3. After you get out of the shower, you’ve got to make sure your teeth sparkle.  Here’s a way you can be green and maintain those pearly whites: while brushing, shut off the water.  Again, just that little bit of water you save will keep your water bill down and the Earth a little healthier.
  4. Sesame seed bagel with light cream cheese anyone?  It’s my fave!  However, after I pop my bagel, I unplug my toaster. It’s just one of many phantom loads, otherwise known as energy vampires, in your house.  All the electronics you leave plugged in, but never use, suck up bits of electricity throughout the day.  Other examples of these energy vampires are computer chargers, televisions, cell chargers, blow dryers, flat irons, etc.   An easy way to be green and save on your electric bill is to unplug all those neglected power vampires.
  5. Time to go to work! Instead of taking your car alone on your daily commute, ask a friend from work if she or he wants to carpool.  It’ll make your morning more fun and save the world’s fossil fuels.  Or, you can even try and take public transportation!  If you want to be a super Green Queen, bike to work. It’s a solid cardio workout while also saving the world from harmful carbon emissions.
  6. And of course, if your period’s upon you, use Maxim Hygiene products.  They are made of organic and natural cotton and don’t contain any toxins.  So, you’re not harming your body when you use them and not harming the Earth when you toss them.

These are just a few ways that I have become a greener person in my morning routine, and I want you to join me in this endeavor.  It’s fun and sustainable to make your mornings green.  Come up with ways that you can make your whole day green and stick to them.  Tell your friends about what your doing to green-ify your morning, and make it a habit.

As part of our Countdown to Earth Day, we will be posting daily articles focused on the environment and our lovely planet! Check in everyday for more Earth Day fun and remember to mark your calendar for April 22nd!

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As you may or may not know, Earth Day is coming up on April 22nd!! Because Maxim Hygiene‘s philosophy revolves (get it?) around Body, Earth, and Health, we couldn’t be more eager to celebrate a day that reminds the world of something we highly value year round.

In celebration of this glorious day, we’re going to be having a countdown on our blog. Each day we’ll feature a new article about loving the earth! So check in everyday these next two weeks for ways to Green-ify your morning routine, great songs about the earth, and SO MUCH MORE!! If you have any ideas of your own, we’re always open to suggestion. So JOIN US on the countdown to our Earth Day celebrations, and have a countdown of your own! See how much earth-lovin’ you can pack in before the big day (and of course, the rest of the year)!!

Read more about Maxim Hygiene’s eco-friendly products here.

Also, be sure to learn about the sustainable manufacturing facilities that make the products you love. More here.

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Hello all!

It’s our favorite time of week…Friday Fun Day! For those of you who don’t know, Friday Fun Day is a way for the Maxim Hygiene team to come together at the end of a busy week and have a little fun. Each week, a different member of our team will be in charge of creating a fun way to start our Friday. This week, Maxim Hygiene’s Finance and Logistics Assistant, Josh, was in charge. Here’s what Josh has to say:

Today was my first time presenting the activity for “Friday Fun Day,” and with it, came some pressure. I chose to have everyone discuss a few of their favorite places that they have traveled to. I spoke about my memorable family road trip to Canada as well as my heart wrenching trip to the concentration camps in Poland.  One Maxim Hygiene employee spoke about her adventurous hiking expedition through the Amazon Jungle where she encountered lots of different Amazonian creatures including a monkey with a bladder issue (should have had a Maxim Hygiene Pad). Another employee spoke about her peaceful experience camping out in an Israeli desert. A study abroad trip to Italy was the first time away from home for one Maxim Hygiene team member. Kenneth, the CEO spoke of his first ever trip in an airplane. He also spoke of his experience enduring a Canadian winter while visiting a factory for our company. At the end I had everyone name one place that they would like most to visit. Japan, Malaysia, Argentina, Iran, India, and Greece were just a few of the places the Maxim Hygiene team members hope to visit one day.

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