
Posts Tagged ‘Planting Tips’

What better way to spend a nice, sunny day than in the garden???  Not only is it rewarding to make your backyard look as nice as possible, but it also has many benefits you might not be aware of.

For instance, it’s therapeutic, almost zen-like in its attention to detail and constancy.  It’s also a good form of exercise, a really fun way to burn off calories.  Every June 6th, we celebrate National Gardening Exercise Day by getting into the yard and planting some flowers, maybe even planting some vegetables for National Fruits and Veggies month, pulling out the weeds, watering the plants, and raking up the debris.

This June 6th, the Maxim Hygiene Green Team is encouraging a gardening spectacular.  Instead of or in addition to going to the gym, get out in your yard, or maybe even the community garden in your neighborhood, and help out.

We women must enjoy the outdoors, and get our hands dirty in the fruits of life.  Dig and plant, weed and water, shovel and rake. It’s all part of the exercise associated with gardening, and its all rewarding fun.

Gardening is not just an exercise, but it’s also an art.  Try to create a structure or design to your plantings, matching colors or offsetting them.  Maybe, build a separate garden for your veggies, and then, next year, you can choose what you liked best or experiment with other kinds of plants.

You can keep it relatively inexpensive by buying seeds from any local grocery stores.  Watch yourself build up a sweat as you paint Mother Earth with your favorite of Her pieces.

Something I love to do is hang a birdhouse in my backyard.  Sometimes blue jays or robins appear, and it’s breathtaking to see them find the food, and fly into the greenery of my backyard.  They just add to the liveliness of the flowers.

Never gardened before?  Not much of a horticulturist?  Check out the Garden Hobbies website for some helpful info as to how to get started.  And, as always, check out www.maximhy.com for more info about our all-natural and organic cotton feminine products.

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